Monday, December 8, 2008

Lights, Camera, Decorations

Where has the month gone? Is it really already the 8th??? I refuse to believe it! I seem to have been so caught up in trying to create some video blogs that I've neglected the "good ole fashioned" written blog. Ha! Seems funny to say that, but it's true. In the middle of trying to learn something new and create some fresh content, I've also been sucked into the eggnog-drinking-sleigh-bell-ringing-light-hanging-bow-making holiday vortex. Anyone else there with me? Writing holiday and Christmas cards, trimming the tree and planning decorations for our cottages for an event happening this coming weekend (The March of Wines). Sure, I thought that would all be done in a days work. A little overly ambitious in my plans.

I wish I had some little elves to help me along with all of these festive preparations. I even had to do a little unexpected home re-decorating. Or maybe I should call it re-organizing. We went out and picked a live tree this year (more later on the eco-friendliness of this choice), but when we brought it home and cut the twine ... it seem to have exploded. Yes, exploded. Pine needles everywhere. We thought it was going to be a "small" tree because of it's height, but it is actually so fat and fluffy it takes up half of our small little cottage living room. Ha! At least it puts me in the holiday spirit because it makes me giggle every time I have to side step around it to get through the house.

Now, about the eco-friendly tree thing. Real tree or fake tree? At first glance, you would think the mantra for eco-enthusiasts would be to save the trees. However, most artificial trees are made with PVC, are not biodegradable or recyclable and usually end up in the garbage. Real Christmas trees are grown with the very purpose of being enjoyed for the holidays and then the crops replanted. After the holidays, it can be recycled, mulched or just thrown away as it is 100% biodegradable. There are even some trees you can purchase (roots and all) and plant in January. I even heard on the radio that there is a rent-a-tree where they re-plant them later. Check out the National Christmas Tree Association website for more interesting and fun facts.

Happy decorating!


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